Patron Code of Conduct Policy

Last Updated Date

To ensure that all patrons and staff of the Croton Free Library (the “Library”) are able to enjoy the Library facilities to the fullest extent and in support of the Library’s mission statement, Library patrons must adhere to the following rules concerning behavior in the Library building, grounds and/or parking area. The Library has the right to amend this Patron Code of Conduct Policy at any time.

While on Library premises, all patrons shall conduct themselves so that they will not interfere, by their actions or speech, with the rights of other Library users and staff.

Examples of Unacceptable Activities

The following are examples of behaviors that are not permitted because they interfere with the enjoyment and use of the Library by other patrons and staff, present a health or safety hazard, or are inconsistent with the Library’s mission:

  • Engaging in loud, aggressive, abusive or threatening language or conduct; fighting or challenging another to a fight; using profanity or demonstrating obscene behavior or engaging in any form of harassment of any kind.
  • Sexually harassing any person.
  • Gambling (other than games authorized by the Library).
  • Using, distributing or being under the influence of illegal drugs, marijuana or alcohol (other than alcohol served at Library-authorized events).
  • Using tobacco or vaping products within 100 feet of the Library building.
  • Carrying weapons of any kind by unauthorized persons.
  • Engaging in any kind of sexual activity or lewd behavior.
  • Soliciting contributions or signatures, except for Library-related activities.
  • Selling or distributing goods or services in the Library or on Library property that have not been approved by the Library.
  • Distributing and/or posting literature that has not been approved by the Library.
  • Using audio equipment (including cell phones and other devices) while in the Library, with or without headphones, at a volume that is audible to others. All such devices should be set so that they are inaudible to other patrons and Library staff. Voice calls are not permitted inside the Library.
  • Failing to supervise the behavior of one’s children or the children in one’s care. Children below the age of 8 must be with a caregiver at all times. See also the Library’s Unattended Child Policy.
  • Bringing animals, other than properly identified service animals, into the Library.
  • Entering or using the Library without being fully clothed, including footwear.
  • Having bodily hygiene that is offensive so as to constitute a nuisance to other persons.
  • Entering staff areas; the unauthorized use of meeting rooms; or the improper use of areas in and around the Library building.
  • Refusing to vacate the building at the designated closing time or as requested by staff during inclement weather, emergency situations, or for drills.
  • Unauthorized exiting through fire exit doors except in an emergency.
  • Inappropriately using or moving furniture and equipment.
  • Running, skateboarding, biking or rollerblading in the Library.
  • Failing to follow the rules and guidelines for use of Library computer equipment. The Library reserves the right to impose time limits on the use of Library computer equipment.
  • Consuming food or beverages next to Library computers or in any other area where food and beverages are not permitted.
  • Vandalizing, stealing, mutilating, defacing or destroying any Library material, equipment, building component or other property. The Library reserves the right to inspect the contents of any bag, knapsack or briefcase that a patron wishes to bring into the Library or onto Library grounds, including the parking lot.
  • Failing to check out Library materials in accordance with established procedures.
  • Failing to pay all fines imposed as a result of returning Library material late or damaged, or reporting it lost. Failure to pay these fines may result in suspension of borrowing privileges.
  • Photographing or video or sound recording of Library users, staff, interiors or exteriors– See the Library’s Recording Policy.
  • Violating the Westchester Library System’s Internet Safety and Use Policy.

Loss of Library Privileges

Staff members are authorized to ask persons who interfere, by their actions or speech, with the rights of other Library users and staff, including but not limited to the Unacceptable Activities listed above, to leave the Library grounds immediately. Engaging in any of the above Unacceptable Activities or repeated engagement in the above Unacceptable Activities may result, at the discretion of the Library Director, in an indefinite suspension from the Library depending on the severity of the violation. Patrons who are suspended from the Library may petition to have their suspension reviewed by the Library Director, and then by the Library’s Board of Trustees.

Patrons should inform Library staff if they observe anyone behaving in a suspicious or inappropriate manner.

Personal Property
Patrons are advised to protect personal property and should not leave their property unattended. The Library is not responsible for the loss, theft or damage of personal property.

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